ZiL-130 Tractor, late cab (resin kit & PE set)

ManufacturersArmada Hobby
Country of origin:Hungary
This product was added to our catalog on 12 July, 2013
We offer free shipping for the orders:

- Europe, North East, Middle East, India - USD150.00
- USA, Canada - USD150.00
- Central and South America, South-East Asia, Africa - USD200.00
- Australia, New Zealand - USD200.00


Length, mm: 92

ZiL-130 tractor for semi-trailer (resin kit + pe)

ZIL-130 - Soviet and Russian truck manufacturing by Likhachev plant. Replaced the ZIL-164.

Development of long-term ZIS-125 (future ZIL-130) began to develop them on plant named "Stalin" (VMS) in 1953. The first prototypes were created in 1957.



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