Armored ship "Peter the Great"

This product was added to our catalog on 22 March, 2013
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- Europe, North East, Middle East, India - USD150.00
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- Australia, New Zealand - USD200.00

Length of the model, mm: 517

The number of A3 sheets, pcs: 12

 It was released in 1869 in Petersburg, it is gone down to the water on 27 August, 1872, and in 1877 entered the system. Until 11 June, 1872, was a " cruiser ". It initially counted by monitor. In 1873 it is reclassified into the armored ship, into 1892 year- in the squadron Battleship and v 1906- in the training- artillery ship.

The instruction in English

Among the peculiarities of the model one should mention a rather good level of the detailed drafting and the double-sided print; besides, the screws and other details are printed with a bronze paint.

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