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The elaboration and building of the unique aircraft under the guidance of the general constructor Pavel Suchoy was started some decades ago. Titanic-steel bomber T-4, nicknamed by creators "sotka" (by hundredth part), could become the pioneer of russian aircraft building in the domains of mastering of protracted flights at, great supersonic speeds. Everyone who elaborated this aircraft thinks that its design and construction is a break through in the aviation of the future because of so new constructive and technological decisions used in it. The titanic alloys, used then specially for aircraft T-4 work up to now. It Is possible that without titanic and steel technologies mastered on "sotka" "Buran" wouldn"t fly up later. But, as frequently is, the creator, being ahead of his time, was not supported by the authorities. Project T-4, which can be called "the swan song" of P. Suchoy, was closed by that time country leaders.